Sunday, December 14, 2008

Week 29

Well, last week was alright. Grandma and Grandpa Weber came over to visit. Their trip was cut short by weather, so the butterball soup was never made. Shawn and I have been trying to find a time to make it in our busy schedule, but it has been to no avail so far. We ordered a crib while they were here and are waiting for it to be delivered. I heard several times about the disappointment of Gabriel being a boy and not a girl, but other than that the visit went well.

I started my physical therapy this week. On Tuesday I went in for my first appointment and my therapist showed me several excercises to help strengthen my round ligaments and back to relieve the stress on my back and joints. She also gave me a support band that is just amazing. I had been holding my tummy up when I would go up and down the stairs at work, but now I don't have to! When I take it off every evening it feels as though I have gained about 20 extra pounds to haul around. I went to the therapy pool on Friday and spent about half an hour doing excercises and hanging on a noodle to stretch my back out and get Gabe off of my hips. Now I will be going to the pool a few times a week on my own time and then on the day after Christmas, I will go in for another appointment with the therapist to see how things are going.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds so nice I wish I would've thought to go to a therapist with the last two to relieve some of that stress. Good for you that you are taking time out to take good care of yourself!