We got quite a bit done this week. We are almost finished painting the nursery. I'm working on the trim around the door and the door itself as well as a little strip of white around the built in shelf that Shawn made. The trim everywhere else in the room is finished and put up. Shawn put the crib together. There was a recall on our crib for a specific part. However, the recall was for about 535,000 cribs so the new part is on backorder. It's a good thing that we have a separate crib in our room that Gabe will be using for the first couple of months.

We had a doctors appointment on Thursday. I was still dialated at 2 cm, and not a whole lot was going on. My doctor stripped my membrane and it seems that I found part of it the next day. However, there weren't any other changes. I didn't even know what stripping the membrane was. When we got to the appointment, Shawn told me that a bunch of his co-workers told him that I should have my membrane stripped. So we asked our doctor about it and she explained it to us and said she would do it if we wanted her to. It didn't really hurt, even though everything I read said it was painful. I'm not sure what all of those other women were talking about, I was feeling more pressure from her checking my dialation than I was feeling anything else. The doctor said that about 75% of women go into labor within three days of having this done. I asked Shawn if he wanted to hedge bets.
Friday at work it was RAD day. It is basically a planned fun day for the students with various activities that they can sign up for. I went with a group that went bowling in the morning and rock climbing in the afternoon. I bowled three games in the morning with the other three teachers that were chaperoning with me. I actually won one of the games....by like a point. I was hoping that all the movement would help get things going. Alas, it did not. However, I was very sore the rest of the day. Shawn called in the afternoon while I was at the rock climbing session. He was headed into the doctor because he has pink eye. Go figure. I could go into labor at any moment and my hubby goes and gets pink eye.
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