Well, I had thought that not a whole lot was going on. The membrane stripping did not seem to do its job. I'm still completely and utterly pregnant. On Saturday I went to take Maggie in for a pedicure (so as not to scratch the baby after he came) and I fell. She got away from me when I opened the car door and when I tried to grab her leash I fell. My knees took the brunt of it but I still landed on my belly. I felt alright, but when I got into the store and they told me that they couldn't do Maggie's nails because her vaccinations had expired on the 1st, I lost it and just couldn't stop crying. Apparently the fall had jarred me a bit more than I had realized. The baby is fine though and so am I.

Everyone at work was amazed when I showed up this morning at work. They were all convinced that I would have had him over the weekend. That didn't really happen. However during the first part of second hour I realized that I hadn't felt him move since Saturday so I decided to stop studying (it was P.E., I have lots of free time that hour) and wait to feel him move. Needless to say, he did not move. I went to third hour and kept watching and waiting and he still wasn't moving so my two supervisors told me to call my doctor. I called Shawn (I had forgotten my phone at home) to get Dr. Howick's number. He gave it to me and I called. My nurse said that I should drink something sugary and that she would call me back after she talked to my doctor. I ran upstairs, bought a caffeine free soda, and drank it quickly. My nurse called me back and told me to come in at 12:15 to check in for an ultrasound at 12:30. Afterward we were supposed to go upstairs for a non-stress test and then an appointment with the doctor. Shawn came and picked me up and we went into the ultrasound. He passed the 8 point test with flying colors. There is 22 inches of fluid, his heart rate was good, he was moving (I couldn't feel it) and practice breathing and all of that jazz. We went upstairs and they hooked me up to a fetal monitor and we watched his heartrate and to see if I was having any contractions. His heartrate was really steady and he wasn't moving a whole lot so they gave me juice and put some sort of vibration/sound thing on my belly to try and wake him up. I felt him move twice and then he went back to "sleeping." After awhile, the nurse tried the sound thing again and he moved once but then relaxed again. Apparently he is extremely comfortable in there. The doctor came in and looked at the readout from the machine and told me that I am actually having regular contractions that are 2-3 minutes apart, but that they aren't strong enough to feel yet. She put me on official bed rest. She had no idea what the membrane thing was from last week. She said she had never heard of that before. So now I am at home, resting, and waiting to actually feel these contractions I seem to be having. Our next visit is Thursday at 9:30 am. We'll see how it goes!
I'm so excited for you! It will be soooo very soon. I hope you both have a wonderful, blessed experience during the delivery and that you are fortunate enough to have a short and healthy delivery. Much love and I can hardly wait to see pictures of that little cutie!
Oh, where is that baby already??!! I'm glad you and little Gabe are doing well. And I've been a frequent member of the stressed-out can't-stop-crying club. Maybe we should design a membership card that we can show to people who seem puzzled during stressing hormonal times.... I hope you're feeling fine and that this little baby gets here soon! xoxo (At least you have some reading time now?? .... because there won't be much more for a few months! )
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