Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week 35

Well, things just keep getting more and more interesting! We went to childbirth classes and a breastfeeding class this week. Shawn got to wear the fun pregnancy belly which was rather interesting. I have pictures that I'll upload one of these days. The funny thing was that the belly was 35 lbs and I've only gained about 12 so far and they wanted to put a band around his ribs to constrict his breathing a little, but apparently I am tall enough that, that was never really a problem for me. (He ended up not wearing the band because he has had broken ribs in the past.) They showed this horrid video showing three women giving birth with three different birth plan options. It was a bit graphic and I couldn't watch it because quite frankly I'll be doing it myself soon enough and I don't need to see it. I'll experience it plenty. Other than that, the class was great. There was this list of things that your body does as it preps for labor and I was able to check off all of the things on the list....go figure. The breastfeeding class on the other hand was not nearly as helpful as my lactation consultant at WIC had already given me all of the information that the class provided. Even Shawn felt like it was a bit of a wasted evening. Oh well, the rest of the classes we took were really good.

Yesterday at the beginning of 7th hour my body decided to start contracting continuously. That was fun. It started and just kept on going, and going, and going. They were definitely braxton-hicks contractions because they were all different lengths of time and really, really close together (30 seconds to a minute apart). They kept up for about 30 minutes. It was rough. I just sat at the back of the classroom praying that no one noticed me back there breathing deeply and acting a bit strange. That would be about the time my supervisor called me out to the hall. Needless to say, it was a bit difficult to get up because I was in the middle of a contraction. I tried. And failed. After breathing through it, I went out with her and explained why I looked so funny when she opened the door. I went to work at Lane Bryant after school where I probably stood for longer than I should have because by the time I finished checking out our last customer I started to have this really strange sensation of ice cold water being poured over my lower abdomen. It was very, very wierd.

I went to my doctor appointment today where, after telling her about my contractions she decided to check and see if I was dialating. I am officially at 2 centimeters. (Yes, I know you can stay there for several weeks - a fact we discussed with the doctor). However, she told me that if I started having contractions like I did yesterday that I should probably call and come in to be checked again. She made me call in to Lane Bryant and tell them I can't work anymore and told me that I can't do any shopping or standing for extended amounts of time this week in an attempt to convince Gabe that he should hang in there for at least 7 more days. She was going to make me stop working at the school but I convinced her to let me stay as long as I sit most of the day. Thankfully this isn 't a problem as everyone there is most understanding while at the same time being desperate for us paras to be there (there are lots of people gone lately without any substitutes available). So we have an appointment for next Thursday as well as a scheduled tour of the hospital in the event that Gabriel stays in that long.

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