Tuesday, June 24, 2008

6 weeks

Last Saturday (June 21st), I tested positive for our first pregnancy. I've been very tired every day and have been finding it difficult to get the gumption to do everything I need to get done. Shawn and I really want to share our news with our families and friends but are in the period that miscarriage is most likely to occur and so are waiting to share our excitement with them. So we will wait another 6 weeks to tell everyone. We have our first doctor's appointment on August 5th which seems a bit late to me. Apparently the ob/gyn's here at Altru don't take appointments until 12 weeks. In the mean time, I hope I'm doing everything right because from everything I've read, this is the most important time for fetal development. I don't want to do anything wrong and am frustrated that I don't have a doctor guiding me through these important weeks. With my weight I'm worried about having or developing gestational diabetes. I emailed a local pregnancy center today and hope that they will respond soon to my questions. Other than basic fears though, I am really excited at the prospect of having our first child!

1 comment:

Phoenix Adams said...

Congrats! First, huh? How many do you think you'll be having?